Corporate Identity


Monday - Friday: 5:30am - 8:30pm

Saturday: 7:30am-3:30pm

Sunday: 10:00am-3:00pm


Folio Area

Page Content

YMCA Member Alerts

Here for our Community

News Spotlight

YMCA Cape Cod President & CEO, Stacie Peugh, discuss the Y’s mission on MVYRADIO. Listen in to here her discuss the programs offered, and the recent grant from The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod! Plus, learn how you can support the Y and make a difference in our community! Listen More…


Our Cause Defines Us

We know that lasting personal and social change comes about when we all work together. That’s why at the Y, strengthening community is our cause.  Every day, we work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive.

Our Strength is in Community

The Y is a nonprofit like no other. That’s because, in 10,000 neighborhoods across the nation, we have the presence and partnerships to not just promise, but deliver positive change.

  • The Y is community centered. For nearly 160 years, we’ve been listening and responding to our communities.
  • The Y brings people together. We connect people of all ages and backgrounds to bridge the gaps in community needs.
  • The Y nurtures potential. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive.
  • The Y has the local presence and global reach. We mobilize local communities to effect lasting, meaningful change

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Facility Updates Facility Updates/Closings
Group Exercise & Program Updates Aquatic Updates
Health & Wellness – Classes
Youth Programs
LPL Swim Lessons Programs
Early Education Center Updates Lyndon P. Lorusso YMCA Early Education Center
North Falmouth Early Education Center
Stony Brook Elementary Early Education Center
Cotuit Early Education Center
Falmouth Hospital Early Education Center
Cape Cod Tech Early Education Center
Harwich Elementary Early Education Center
School Age Child Care Updates Lyndon P. Lorusso YMCA SACC
TeaTicket SACC
North Falmouth SACC
Mullen Hall SACC
Harwich Elementary SACC
East Falmouth SACC

YMCA CAPE COD|2245 Route 132|West Barnstable, MA 02668|508-362-6500|Website by Design Principles, Inc.